
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Protecting WebGL content (and why you probably shouldn't)

I received an email this morning from a developer that is in a predicament that I think many WebGL developers will find themselves in pretty soon:
Do you have any experience with protecting assets in WebGL? I wrote a quick solution to protect textures during transfer - base64 encoding + concat server side and splitting + creating imgs client side. Still, using WebGL Inspector I can get all textures transferred to the graphics card. I wonder if you have any ideas on how to prevent that. I don't mind open sourcing my apps, but my clients apparently do :)
Ah, that last line is really the crux of the matter, isn't it? Most developers I know don't mind sharing their creations with the world at large, as we tend to understand that there's rarely anything sacred and secret in the lines of code we crank out, but that's not always an easy thing to convince management of. So: What's an enterprising WebGL developer to do when the boss decrees from on high "Protect our content?"

There's a couple ways to approach such a request, in my opinion. First: Do whatever you can to convince said management that you don't need to protect said content. Second: Convince them harder. Third: If all else fails, obscure the content as much as possible. I'll be talking about both approaches in todays post.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Compressed Textures in WebGL

[UPDATE: The compressed textures spec has been changing, and so the original code posted with this entry stopped running. I've since fixed the code and updated the information below. Be aware, though, that the spec may STILL be tweaked at some point!]

I gave a presentation this last Friday at WebGL Camp 4, the slides of which are online now. I had a great time, met some awesome developers, and saw a lot of things that got me really excited about the future of WebGL. I highly encourage anyone that is interested in WebGL to try and make it to WebGL Camp 6!

During my talk I was able to show what I think may be the first public demo of compressed textures in WebGL! The demo isn't terribly impressive, it simply displays a DXT5 texture loaded from a DDS file, but it shows off the required code effectively enough.

(Warning: That demo will only work on machines that support DXT5 compression. That should be most desktops, but the majority of mobile or tablet devices will be out of luck! You'll also need to be running a fairly new Chrome dev channel build)

Yay! I got a textured cube on screen! Surely I'm the first person ever to do this!

Okay, yeah... it's not all that impressive. The key here is the potential that it provides. Compressed textures have been an integral part of 3D games and many other 3D applications on the desktop, console, and mobile platforms that they've become something of an invisible, pervasive optimization that everyone tends to take for granted. Up until now, however, they've been something that's been left out of WebGL (not without reason, they're tricky to get right). The fact that we're gaining the ability to use them now is, in my view, something of a benchmark of the maturity of the standard.

So what exactly do we mean by compressed texture? If you're not already familiar with the concept from a prior life as a game developer it can be a bit confusing to really grok what we're referring to and why it matters. After all, JPEGs and PNGs are compressed images, right? What's different here?